Sidrería Astarbe Sagardotegia Astigarraga

Astarbe cider house Astigarraga

Our Cider House

The Astarbe experience starts in the earth. Quality raw materials are brought into the kitchen where they are transformed using the wisdom passed down through generations. Enjoy our traditional menu or sample the different dishes on offer. 

This authentic Basque ritual is an opportunity to immerse yourself in our culture and become part of it. Our staff, our caring chefs and our knowledgeable txotxeros (the people who open the barrels) are at your service. Enjoy!

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Astarbe euskal sagardo J.I.
Astarbe sagardo naturala
Cidre mouseex premium Byhur24
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Astarbe euskal sagardo D.O.
Astarbe cidre natural
Byhur24 premium sparkling cider
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Astarbe euskal sagardo D.O.
Astarbe natural cider
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Sidra espumosa Byhur
Astarbe euskal sagardo D.O.
Astarbe sidra natural

Basque ciders

Cider is part of who we are, and we’ve been making it since 1563
Tours cider house


Experience the culture around us, be part of it. On our guided tours you’ll discover first-hand the secrets which surround this ancient drink.

Visitas guiadas Guided visit in Astarbe
Visitas guiadas Back to the origin of Astarbe
Visitas guiadas Guided cider pairing menu with tour
Leyenda de la sidra

The legend of cider

Hebrews, Greeks, Romans, Vikings, Celts and Christians all talked about the apple in their legends. A symbol of beauty, of eternal life, and of sin, the apple is the most controversial fruit in all of European mythology.  Let’s sample its history,

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Menú Sidrería

MENÚS SIDRERÍA En la sidrería Astarbe hemos creado menús de sidrería para que puedas degustar la esencia de nuestra tierra sin tapujos. Nos basamos en los productos de temporada que nos aconsejan nuestros productores y los unimos creando así menús…

Sidrería con Solete Repsol

Gracias a todos vosotros, los que nos habéis apoyado viniendo a degustar nuestras sidras y productos durante estos dos años complicados nos han otorgado el Solete de la guía Repsol. Un solete que busca identificar los locales que recomendaría un…

Basque Gastronomy

Basque gastronomy, we are Baserria Baserria, (farm house) in Basque, means “towns of the forest”. These traditional buildings were created to provide a family with the necessary space and tools to survive in the wild. Each of these buildings used…

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